This invention relates to devices, systems and methods for the internalfixation of bone fractures, and particularly, to intramedullary fracturefixation devices. An IM rod preferably is provided with multiple curvedsections in different planes preferably designed to conform with the longbones of a patient, both during insertion and in the rod's final position inthe long bone. In addition, the overlap of portions of the curved sectionsresults in a co-planar curvature of portions of the IM rod which assist in theinsertion process by guiding the proper rotation of the IM rod as it isinserted into the bone. Spiraling flutes extending down the distal portion ofthe rod also assist in properly guiding and orienting the rod about itslongitudinal axis during insertion such that the appropriate segment of thecurved rod conforms with the appropriate portion of the long bone at theappropriate place.