The present invention relates to an aptamer binding to an NGF which may form a potential secondary structure which is expressed by formula (I). (In the formula, N is one nucleotide selected from a group of A, G, C, U, and T, and N11-N13, N21-N23, N32-N38, and N42-N48 are equal to or different from one another each being one nucleotide, two nucleotides, or a combination thereof selected from the group of A, G, C, U, and T. N14, N24, N31, N41, N39, and N49 are equal to or different from one another each being one nucleotide selected from the group of A, G, C, U, and T. N14 and N24, N31 and N41, and N39 and N49 form a Watson-Crick base pair with each other as a nucleotide array capable of forming a stem structure with a combination of N11-N12-N13-N14 and N21-N22-N23-N24, and a nucleotide array capable of forming a stem structure with a combination of N31-N32-N33-N34-N35-N36-N37-N38-N39 and N41-N42-N43-N44-N45-N46-N47-N48-N49.)