1. An injector for supplying a fluid containing: a syringe having a cylinder with a peripheral wall having a longitudinal axis and a distal end wall; a plunger configured to move inside the cylinder parallel to the longitudinal axis towards and from the end wall; at least one hollow a needle attached at its proximal end to the plunger and extending parallel to the axis in the direction of the end wall, the needle being contained inside the cylinder; a reservoir for containing a fluid formed at least inside the cylinder ndra; reservoir for containing a fluid, in fluid communication with the inlet port of the needle when the limiting pressure is applied to the volume of fluid; wherein the needle extends beyond the end wall of the cylinder only when the pressure is applied to the plunger in the direction of the distal end stenki.2. The fluid injector according to claim 1, wherein the energy storage device is provided inside the syringe to maintain the plunger in the initial position, retracted from one end wall, at least one hollow needle is contained inside the cylinder, and to return the needle to the initial position, as soon as the pressure on the plunger is stopped. 3. The injector for supplying a fluid according to claim 1, wherein the peripheral wall of the cylinder is made of crumpled, energy-storing material. A fluid injector according to claim 1, wherein a pierceable membrane is provided in the end wall for tight contact with the needle. The injector for supplying a fluid according to claim 1, wherein a pressure element of rigid material is provided in the syringe at the proximal end of the cylinder,1. Инжектор для подачи текучей среды, содержащий:шприц, имеющийцилиндр с периферийной стенкой, имеющий продольную ось и дистальную торцевую стенку;плунжер, выполненный с возможностью перемещения внутри цилиндра параллельно продольной оси в направлении к и от торцевой стенки;по меньшей мере, одну полую иглу, прикрепленную на ее проксимальном конце к плунжеру и прох