device for lighting and magnetic performance and may be used in a domestic environment, as well as in various fields of medicine. the device contains a red and infrared led diodes and at least one set of permanent magnets. a set of magnets includes at least four magnets mounted in a parallel plane with the mutual distance of less than 0,05 mm and facing against each other with the opposite pole.a set of magnets allows higher gradient magnetic force and provides the highest frequency during movement of the device surface of the body, which increases the efficiency of the polarity of the magnetisation. in addition, the cap device which comes into contact with the surface of the body, the hemisphere protrusions for massaging.with the simultaneous operation of the red and infrared radiation and high gradient magnetic force during movement of the device in any direction by adding a massage to achieve the greater improvement of the organism.Naprava za svetlobno in magnetno delovanje ter masažo se lahko uporablja v domačem okolju, kakor tudi na različnih področjih medicine. Naprava vsebuje rdeče in infrardeče led diode ter najmanj en komplet trajnih magnetov. Komplet magnetov vsebuje najmanj 4 magnete, vgrajene v vzporedni ravnini z medsebojno razdaljo manjšo od 0,05 mm in obrnjene drug proti drugemu z nasprotnim polom. Tak komplet magnetov omogoča višji gradient magnetnih silnic in zagotavlja najvišjo frekvenco med premikanjem naprave po površine telesa, kar povečuje učinkovitost magnetizacije. Poleg tega so na pokrovčku naprave, ki prihaja v stik s površino telesa, polkrogle izbokline, namenjene masaži. S sočasnim delovanjem rdečega in infrardečega sevanja ter visokega gradienta magnetnih silnic med premikanjem naprave v katerikoli smeri ob dodani rahli masaži se doseže večja izraženost izboljšanja stanja organizma.