1 \/ 1 R E S U M? The manual cart for collection of stool samples from dogs? The present invention, consists of two sets of interdependent, has the function to collect and transport the feces of dogs.In the public spaces of cities and towns, for disposal at an appropriate location, which provides health and prevention of diseases.5 the cart with two sets, the first being composed of tubular metal rod, with the support of the hand (1) axis of the wheels (2) wheels with tires (3) support of the base of the horizontal tubular housing (4),Receiving the coupling of the base of the horizontal box foot (5) the two guardians of the foot (6) pipe joint (7) which maintain the foot support two connections of articulation yardIRAs (8) fixed in the lower extremities of the pole two connections 10 front articulation (9),Fixed in the tubular support of the base of the horizontal box (4) which connect the support to the foot support (5).The second set, removable, composed of the horizontal box and its base (10), with the finish (11), and on the rear part of the base of the box,The two housings (12) which fits the pole the two coupling pressure front (13) the two coupling pressure side (14).15 set the base of the box horizontal tubular metal support of the 1st set, and finally the two straps (15), which hold the box horizontal to the base.Once the same has a cylindrical shape the individual compartments (16), indicated by the letters in brackets, and (d) to the accessories.And (E) for the waste partition (17) the side covers (18) retractable cushioned closures of covers (19) and handles (20). 201/1 r e s u m o ?carrinho manual para coleta de fezes de cães? a presente invenção, constituída de dois conjuntos interdependentes, tem a função recolher e transportar fezes de cães, nos logradouros públicos das cidades brasileiras, para descarte em local apropriado, o que proporciona higiene e prevenção de doenças. 5 o carrinho com dois conjuntos, sendo o primeiro composto de varão tubular m