Beverage making machine which comprises a removable Tank, cooling media, Media for dispensing, a RFID Reader for receiving data including Identification Information and information on the life cycle of the product,Control means for Identifying the product and establish a value of a counter for Product Life; Packaging; production method; and Package Preparation.
The present invention discloses a beverage production machine (1, 110), a beverage production method, and a container (30, 122) for a product that is to be filled into a beverage production machine (1, 110). The invention aims to improve the hygiene of beverage production. By wirelessly reading out identification information and shelf-life information from an RFID tag (31, 123) in a container (30, 122) by an RFID reader (4, 121) of a beverage production machine (1, 110) can be ensured that only known products are used for the production of beverages, and only products that have not yet reached their expiration date. The invention further delegates the monitoring of the shelf-life of a product to the beverage production machine (1, 110), thus makes it more convenient to operate, particularly to refill. The invention is further directed to a machine for the production and delivery of products such as ice cream, frozen beverages or granita using a preparation packet (30, 122) associated with this machine in order to obtain the product comprises a product-containing tank (2, 112) which is provided with a tap (3, 115) for delivering the product and which contains an element (5, 131, 113) for cooling the product and a powered mixer element (6, 114) for stirring the product. The machine also comprises a control unit (7, 119) which is provided with means (4, 121) for acquisition of information relating to the shelf life of the product - once the latter has been obtained from the preparation - from information retention means (31, 123) which are associated with a preparation packet (30, 122), the control unit controlling operation of the machine according to said information acquired. A packet (30, 122) and a control method are also described.<;p>;LA PRESENTE INVENCIÓ;N SE REFIERE A UNA MÁ;QUINA DE PRODUCCIÓ;N DE BEBIDAS (1, 110), QUE MEJORA LA HIGIENE EN LA PRODUCCIÓ;N, QUE COMPRENDE UN DEPÓ;SITO EXTRAÍ;BLE (2, 122) PARA CONTENER UN P