Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe uchrezhdenie "Rossijskij nauchnyj tsentr "Vosstanovitelnaya travmatologiya i ortopediya" imeni akademika G.A. Ilizarova" Minzdrava Rossii FGBU "RNTS "VTO im. aka
Zhdanov Aleksej Sergeevich,Жданов Алексей Сергеевич,Gubin Aleksandr Vadimovich,Губин Александр Вадимович
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: external fixation device is imposed on the wings of the ilium and the femur of the functionally shortened limb. The hip joint and iliac bone in the nadacetabular region are fixed on the superior pelvic bone. The iliac bone is accessed. Transverse osteotomy of the iliac bone is performed proximally to the nadacetabular region. Access to the public and ischial bones of the inferior pelvic bone is provided. Osteotomy of the pubic and the ischial bones is performed through the zone of improperly fused fragments. Using the external fixation device, one-stage elimination of pelvis deformation is performed, forming a diastase in the body of the ilium. The mesh implant made in the form of a hollow cylinder with mesh walls and jagged edges is filled with osteoplastic material. The mesh implant is inserted into the diastase of the ilium. Bone screws made with a tuning fork head are inserted. The first bone screw is placed under the anterosuperior osteotomy of the ilium, the second bone screw is placed in the anteroinferior osteotomy of the ilium, the first and second bone screws are joined together by a smooth stem. The third and fourth bone screws are inserted into the pubic bones on either side of the symphysis, the fifth bone screw is inserted under the anterior-superior tip of the iliac bone of the inferior pelvic bone, the third, fourth and fifth bone screws are connected by a smooth stem modelled congruently to the bone surface. Structure stability is checked. The external fixation device is removed.EFFECT: method allows to simultaneously eliminate deformity, reduce the risk of inflammatory complications, improve the patients quality of life in the postoperative period.3 dwgИзобретение относится к травматологии и ортопедии и может быть применимо для реконструкции таза при сложных посттравматических деформациях. Накладывают аппарат внешней фиксации на крылья подвздошной кости и бедренную кость функционально укороченной конечности. На вышестояще