The invention relates to a surgical process for treating vaginal vault prolapses of second and third degrees, after hysterectomy. According to the invention, the process consists in horizontally placing two clamps, at a distance of 2 cm, at the level of the most declivitous portion of the vaginal vault, then an incision is performed between the two clamps continuing an inverted-T incision up to the suburethral tubercle, after which, laterally, the vaginal mucosa is separated from the bladder and also the bladder mucosa from the remaining vagina, some tunnels are formed, after identifying the urethral junction, the index finger of the right hand penetrates in an angle of 45° paraurethrally, retropubicly and suprasymphyseally, performing the tunnel up to the level of the rectus abdominis muscles sheath and the same procedure is performed for the left side, making evident the remaining portion of vesical pillars which are anchored with a 40 cm-long non-absorbable thread together with the vagina, on either side, said two threads being passed through the two previously formed tunnels penetrating through the rectus abdominis muscles sheath, at whose level it is separately anchored, left/right, after performing a preliminary transversal suprapubic incision, the excess of vaginal mucosa is then excised on either side - colpectomy, followed by a vaginal suture - colporrhaphy, the traction of threads previously anchored above the pubic symphysis space reducing the vaginal vault prolapse until the vagina is brought back to its anatomical position under the control of an endovesical probe, the transversal suprapubic incision being finally sutured.Invenţia se referă la un procedeu chirurgical pentru tratamentul prolapsului de boltă vaginală gradele al II-lea şi al III-lea după histerectomie. Procedeul conform invenţiei constă în aceea că se pun două pense la distanţa de 2 cm, orizontal, la nivelul porţiunii celei mai declive a bolţii vaginale, apoi se incizează între cele două