The present invention relates to a combined heat and power system for greenhouse carbon dioxide enrichment provided with hot water and carbon dioxide conveying pipes, particularly, a combined heat and power system for supplying electricity and heat to a greenhouse by purifying carbon dioxide from the exhaust gas of the combined heat and power system which generates and supplies the electricity and heat through the combustion of fuel, comprising: an integrated pipe system (130) for dissolving the purified carbon dioxide in a heat transfer medium so as to simultaneously transfer hot water and carbon dioxide through a single pipe a storage system (190) for storing the carbon dioxide with the hot water transferred to a consumer and a plurality of supply means (192, 220) for supplying the carbon dioxide transferred to and stored by the consumer according to the load conditions of the heat and carbon dioxide of the consumer. Therefore, the transfer of carbon dioxide and hot water is carried out through a single system, thereby reducing equipment costs and power costs for heat transfer so as to be cost effective. In addition, the present invention can be applied to various buildings, in addition to, a greenhouse (200) so as to improve management efficiency and marketability.La présente invention se rapporte à un système à chaleur et électricité combinées pour enrichissement en dioxyde de carbone de serre pourvu de tuyaux dacheminement deau chaude et de dioxyde de carbone, en particulier à un système à chaleur et électricité combinées pour apporter électricité et chaleur à une serre par purification du dioxyde de carbone provenant des gaz déchappement du système à chaleur et électricité combinées qui génère et apporte lélectricité et la chaleur par le biais de la combustion de combustible, comprenant : un système de tuyaux intégrés (130) destiné à dissoudre le dioxyde de carbone purifié dans un agent de transfert de chaleur de manière à transférer simultanément leau chaude