The present invention discloses a Support and Assist Alive System for Trees, which includes flexible support assembly, container, spurt element, conduit, bump, control module and power supply unit. The flexible support assembly is for supporting the part of the tree. The bump draws the water or liquid medicine from the container to the spurt element via the conduit, so that the water of liquid medicine can be provided for the tree in a predetermine time.本發明係有關於一種樹木支撐輔生系統,其包括桿體組件、展合機構、裝設在桿體組件上的液體供應裝置、控制模組及用以供應液體供應裝置及控制模組所需電源的供電單元。桿體組件第一段部頂端具有撐抵結構,第二段部底端具有尖錐結構,展合機構銜接在桿體組件之第一段部與第二段部之間,用以微調桿體組件的高度。控制模組則是控制液體供應裝置的液體供應時機,俾使樹木得以獲得所需的液體供應。10...桿體組件10a...第一段部10b...第二段部11...撐抵結構12...尖錐結構14...釘體15...抵板20...展合機構21...旋轉件22...第一滑套23...第二滑套24...螺桿25...第一連桿26...第二連桿27...第三連桿28...第四連桿30...液體供應裝置31...容器32...噴嘴33...泵浦34...管路