Then present invention relates to a slope face greening method using a native Korean plant and a slope face constructing method using the same. More preferably, the present invention provides a greening method for bioecological environmental rehabilitation wherein native Korean plant is used as a main plant and subjected to germination and rooting stimulation treatment, and is also subjected to a preventive treatment to be resistant against diseases and harmful insects. Concurrently, activities of useful microorganism in the original ground soil is promoted by developing advantages of wet and dry construction methods to enable the native Korean plant to adapt and grow naturally in any environments, such as an urban park, a cutting area along a road, a river embankment, and a vacant land by adding a vegetation auxiliary material.본 발명은 한국 자생식물을 이용한 비탈면 녹화공법 및 시공방법에 관한 것으로, 더욱 바람직하게는 한국 자생식물을 주소재로 발아 및 발근 촉진처리와 병충해에 적응할 수 있게 예방처리함과 동시에 식생보조재를 첨가하여 도심 공원, 도로변 절개지, 하천법면, 나대지 등의 어떤 환경에서도 적응하여 자생할 수 있게 습식공법과 건식공법의 장점을 개발하여 원지반 토양의 유용미생물 활성을 촉진시키는 바이오 생태 환경복원 녹화공법을 제공하기 위한 것이다.