A wound dressing for protecting a wound area, comprising: a transmission layer having a first surface and a second surface located at a distance of no load from the first surface when the dressing is in an unloaded state; dividing elements passing between the first and second surfaces and when the dressing is in a loaded state, taking such a position that these first and second surfaces are from each other at a compression distance less than the distance of no load. 2. The wound dressing according to claim 1, wherein each dividing element is a fibrous element, which, when the dressing is in an unloaded state, extends between the first and second surfaces substantially perpendicular to said surfaces. The wound dressing according to claim 1, wherein the first and second surfaces are laterally offset relative to each other when the dressing is in a loaded state. The wound dressing according to claim 2, wherein when the dressing is in a loaded state, each fibrous element is at least partially deviated from its perpendicular position with respect to the first and second surfaces. The wound dressing according to claim 4, wherein when the dressing is in a loaded state, all fibrous elements present in the zone of the transmission layer are deflected in substantially the same direction at a substantially uniform angle of inclination. A wound dressing according to any one of claims 1 to 5, further comprising an absorbent layer located near the first surface without being connected to said first surface. The wound dressing according to claim 6, in which abs1. Раневая повязка для защиты зоны раны, содержащая:пропускающий слой, имеющий первую поверхность и вторую поверхность, находящуюся от первой поверхности на расстоянии отсутствия нагрузки, когда повязка находится в ненагруженном состоянии; иразделительные элементы, проходящие между первой и второй поверхностями и, когда повязка находится в нагруженном состоянии, принимающие такое положение, при котором указанные первая и вто