There is disclosed a clear skin supplement/medicinal component for acne comprising: an orally administered dosage comprising of between about 3000 - 9000 mg of the Chinese medicinal composition comprising by ratio: around 3.8 - 7.6% of each ofPrunuspersica, Carthamus tinctorius, Angelica dahurica, Gleditsia sinensis, Viola yedoensis, Paeonia suffruticosa and gardenia jasminoides; around 5.7 - 7.6% of each ofOldenlandiadiffusa and Scutellaria baicalensis; around 3.8 - 5.7% ofSalvia miltiorrhiza; around 2.5 - 5.7% ofPhellodendronamurense; around 2.5 - 7.6% ofGentianascabra; and around 0 - 7.6% of each ofTaraxacummongolicumand any one ofLonicerajaponica/Rhizoma Coptidas/Sophora flavescens.揭露一種淨膚補充劑/用於痤瘡之藥物組成物,包括:一口服給藥劑量包括介於約3000 至 9000 mg之間的該中藥組成物,該中藥組成物包括以比例計:桃、紅花、白芷、皂荚、光瓣菫菜、牡丹和梔子花的每一者約3.8至7.6%;二葉葎和黃芩的每一者約5.7至7.6%;丹參約3.8至5.7%;黃檗約2.5至5.7%;龍膽約2.5至7.6%;以及蒲公英和金銀花/黃連/苦參中任一者的每一者約0至7.6%。