Иммореев Игорь Яковлевич (RU),Кузнецов Вадим Валерьевич (RU),Ситников Алексей Валентинович (RU),Скуратов Виктор Андреевич (RU)
The invention relates to medical devices intended for functional non-invasive diagnosis of the patients cardiovascular system. Device for measuring pulse wave velocity comprises two sensors, analog-to-digital signal converter (19), the block (20) for collecting, processing, and display data, and a personal computer (21). Each sensor includes at microwave oscillation generator (1, 10), a power divider (2, 11). The sensing elements sensors are made with working and reference signal transmission channels. Working channels include in its composition serially connected attenuator (3, 12) and coplanar stripline transmission line (4, 13). The reference sensor channels contain asymmetric stripline transmission line (5, 14). working and reference channel sensor output signals are connected to the mixers (6, 15). Outputs signals of the mixers (6, 15) are coupled to lowpass filters (7, 16). Amplification selected signals is made via series connected instrumentation amplifiers (8, 17), fully differential amplifiers (9, 18). Sensor outputs are connected to inputs of the analog-to-digital converter (19). Coplanar stripline transmission line (4, 13) and asymmetric stripline transmission line (5, 14) of each sensor are structurally united in a single PCB. The circuit board is designed as a flat dielectric substrate. On one surface of a dielectric substrate is applied an electrically conductive ground plane and the printing path of the working channel. On the opposite surface of the substrate coated printing path reference channel. When used as a sensor of asymmetrical stripline transmission lines, which are connected to the reference sensor channels, reduces the effect of external interference on the measurement results, including the excluded effect of the reference pulse wave reference signal. As a result, high accuracy and reliability of measurement results. 4 ZP f ly-3-yl.Полезная модель относится к медицинской технике, предназначенной для функциональной неинвазивной диагностик