The present invention allowed: the air, which is absorbed from solar heat and warmed up in a solar collector frame consisting of a flexiball (an aluminum container: a corrugate tube) as a solar collector, heat insulating materials, and aluminum wood, to enter a greenhouse through a fan so as to correctly raise the temperature in the greenhouse to fit a crop using a sunlight hot air dryer, an appropriate technology using solar heat, during the daytime and an aluminum cover to dry harvested crops, such as chili pepper and the like, as a sunlight dryer regard less of the rainy season. In addition, as a hot water piping system and a main control system are integrally formed, the sunlight hot air dryer is used for heating during the day time, whereas the hot water piping system is used at night or in the case of unexpected heavy snow for heating in winter. Additionally, all kinds of heat sources such as coal briquettes, fuel wood, etc. can be used for the hot water piping system, and as the heating system is located inside the greenhouse, in the case of boiling water, the heat raises the temperature in the greenhouse and warms up the water in the pipe to supply the same as hot water at the same time, thereby blocking cold air from the outside and maintaining the optimal temperature. If using the sunlight hot air dryer and the hot water piping system from the beginning of snow, the temperature of the warmed water is kept at 80-90°C, even the heavy snow, and a dual flexible plastic duct pipe covering the pipe raises the temperature of a certain surrounding space in a moment, thereby preventing heavy snow damage. Particularly, any cases of snow can be prevented by rotating circulation pumps of the sunlight hot air dryer and the hot water piping system at a maximum speed in the case of heavy snow.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016본 발명은 낮에는 태양열을 이용한 적정기술인 햇빛온풍건조기로 비닐하우스의 내부 온도를 농작물에 맞도록 정정하게 올리기 위하여 태양열에서 흡수한 집열판인 후렉시볼(알루미늄 통: 주름관)과 보온재와 알루미늄 구조목으로 이루어진 집열판 틀에서 데워진 공기가 비닐하우스로 펜을 통하여 들어가게