A closure system (10) for the front end (11) of a horse rug (12) whichholds together the sides (13, 14) of the horse rug (12) over the chest of ahorse(indicated by reference numeral 15). The closure system (10) consists of apair ofopposed straps (16, 17), each strap (16, 17) being fixed to a respective side(13,14) of the rug (12) at the front end (11) thereof, and a connector (18) towhicheach strap (16, 17) is attachable, the connector (18) being of a shape suchthat,in use, when the sides (13, 14) of the front end (11) of the rug (12) arebroughttogether and the straps (16, 17) are attached to the connector (18), theconnector(18) sits snugly against the horse's chest (at 15), which minimises thepossibilityof the closure becoming snagged by any obstacles.