Federalnoe byudzhetnoe uchrezhdenie nauki "Novosibirskij nauchno-issledovatelskij institut gigieny" Federalnoj sluzhby po nadzoru v sfere zashchity prav potrebitelej i blagopoluchiya cheloveka (FBUN "
Novikova Irina Igorevna (RU),Новикова Ирина Игоревна (RU),Erofeev Yurij Vladimirovich (RU),Ерофеев Юрий Владимирович (RU),Usacheva Elena Vladimirovna (RU),Усачева Елена Владимировна (RU),Kulikova Oksa
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to a method for determining energy consumption of an organism using pulsometry and can be used in general hygiene, medicine, as well as in scientific research. Disclosed is a method for determining energy expenditure (EE) of a human body, characterized by the fact that energy expenditure for the main metabolism of the human body to ensure its vital activity, energy expenditure for food thermogenesis, the human body spent on digesting food, and energy expenditure on physical activity is determined in a complex manner by monitoring heart rate (HR) values for the analyzed period of time, including measurement by means of heart rate meter (Heart Rate): resting heart rate, determined in conditions of basic metabolism, bpm; aerobic threshold heart rate, bpm; maximum oxygen consumption per minute, ml/min/kg, as well as human body weight, kg. Total energy expenditure of human body (EE) is calculated for the period of time (T) by formula: where kmin is the number of kilocalories consumed per minute, kcal/min; mp is human body weight, kg; T is period of time, min. Amount of calories consumed per minute is given by the expression: where a, b are correction factors. To calculate correction coefficients expression is used: where HRresting is resting heart rate, determined in conditions of basic metabolism, bpm; HRAT - HR of aerobic threshold, bpm. MOC - maximum body oxygen consumption per minute, ml/min/kg. Calculation of the energy expended on the main exchange - EEME performed using formulas (1) and (2) at a constant value of heart rate, given by HRresting. Calculation of energy expenditure for food thermogenesis (specifically dynamic action of food) is carried out by formula: where TFD is time spent on food digestion, min; kmm is the number of kilocalories consumed per minute during the main metabolism is calculated by formula (3) at the HRresting value, kcal; r - percentage of energy consumption for specific dynamic action of