The present invention relates to a method of heart rate detection. The heart rate signal has the characteristic of a periodic signal. The operation unit is operated to find the at least one periodic signal include in the received PPG signal and then to calculate to retrieve the calculating result. The calculating result is computed to obtain a heart rate data. Therefore, no extra hardware unit is needed to receive the extra data. Only the data in the PPG signal is enough to accurately determine and output the heart rate data.本發明為一種心率偵測方法,係利用心跳訊號為週期訊號的特性,透過運算單元找出所接收到的光體積變化描述波形(PPG)訊號中所包含的至少一週期訊號,並加以運算後作為運算結果,再將該運算結果換算後獲得一心跳資訊,因此,無須利用額外的硬體單元所接收的額外資訊,僅需利用PPG訊號中的資訊即可準確的判斷並輸出心跳資訊。