1. A method for posterior interbody fusion including a predetermined diameter cylindrical implant in accordance with the height of the disc between the vertebral bodies, performing interlaminektomii optionally with partial fasektomiey in interlaminektomnogo access decompression spinal roots and the dural sac offset medially them, curettage disc and introduction titanium implant, characterized in that they produce a one-sided interlaminar access to the intervertebral space, after dekompr SMAI and medial displacement of the spinal cord roots and the dural sac to protect them establish limiter specify direction and height interbody gap via face mill and into the prepared space in the direction kosopoperechnom vvinchivayutmezhpozvonkovy implantatdlya adjustable fusion operations to 2.2. An intervertebral implant for posterior fusion operations, comprising a metallic hollow cylindrical body with through holes in the side surface and a transverse partition with a slot at one end and a screw thread on the outer side surface of the thread profile in the form of a cone of at least 2 mm, wherein that the thread profile is formed with a truncated apex of a tooth is not more than 0.3 mm, wherein the thread pitch of from 1.6 to 2.0 heights of the thread profile, the tooth profile angle is 20-35 °, and a part of the outer lateral surface Nost adjacent to the end opposite the transverse wall, is provided with a conical skosom.3. An intervertebral implant for posterior fusion operations according to claim 2, characterized in that it is made from m1. Способ заднего межтелового спондилодеза, включающий предварительное определение диаметра цилиндрического имплантата в соответствии с высотой диска между телами позвонков, выполнение интерламинэктомии при необходимости с частичной фасектомией в области интерламинэктомного доступа, декомпрессию корешков спинного мозга и дурального мешка со смещением их медиально, кюретажем диска и введением титанового имплантата, отличающийся тем, что про