Sazonova Svetlana Ivanovna,Сазонова Светлана Ивановна,Ilyushenkova Yuliya Nikolaevna,Ильюшенкова Юлия Николаевна,Zavadovskij Konstantin Valerevich,Завадовский Константин Валерьевич,Lishmanov Yurij Bor
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, radiologic diagnostics, and can be applied in cardiology and cardiosurgery. Topical diagnostics of inflammation in heart is carried out by performing single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) 18-20 hours after intravenous introduction of radiopharmaceutical. Superficial radioisotope label is applied on patients body in 3 intercostal space on the left on midclavicular line before tomography. After that, disposable ECG-electrode is stuck to it as radiopaque marker. SPECT registration is realised in 27 projections simultaneously, time of scanning constitutes from 4000 to 600 sec depending on patients body weight. After fininshing SPECT, high resolution X-ray computed tomography of chest with cut depth 1.25 mm is performed without changing position of patients body and height of tomographic table on hybrid SECT/CT tomograph. After that, superposition of scintigraphic and X-ray tomographic images is performed by markers by precise overlaying on each other radioisotope and radiopaque markers in frontal, sagittal and transverse cuts with determination and location of inflammatory focus in heart.EFFECT: method provides high sensitivity and accuracy of determination of presence and location of inflammation foci in heart, eliminating errors in the process of superposition of images with visualisation of all heart chambers, reduction of examination time, and reduction of radiation load on patient.3 dwg, 2 exИзобретение относится к медицине, радионуклидной диагностике, может найти применение в кардиологии и кардиохирургии. Проводят топическую диагностику воспаления в сердце путем выполнения однофотонной эмиссионной компьютерной томографии (ОФЭКТ) через 18-20 ч после внутривенного введения радиофармпрепарата. Причем перед томографией на тело пациента в 3 межреберье слева по срединно-ключичной линии наносят поверхностную радиоизотопную метку. Затем на нее наклеивают в качестве рентгеноконтрастной метки одноразовый