A scooped out bagel dough product, bagel mold halves, and an apparatus using the bagel mold halves for making a scooped out bagel product. The scooped out bagel product is a baked bagel product half having: a crunchy blistered outer shell with a substantially reduced amount of doughy inner chamber that provides its unique flavor. This scooped out bagel product utilizes a predesigned custom mold that creates stalactites, i.e., flavor spikes, and holes or flavor “pit” formations that each encapsulate the soft doughy inner contents within a boiled and baked blister shell and increases a surface area of dough on an inner surface thereof. The product is a “scooped out” half bagel crunchy on its outer surface but filled with the flavor spikes, and flavor pits in which substantially reduced amounts of dough are encased relative to a comparable sized whole bagel.