The invention relates to the field of medicine to neurology section and can be used in neurological and neyroreabilitatsionnoy clinic in rehabilitation training of patients with various disorders of the process of visual perception. Created simulator for practicing recovery eye movements in patients with neurological clinics having violation visual perception process, which comprises a frame and a further plastic base 2-3 mm thick, the lower part of which is connected via hinges with a rectangular frame. At the top of the base and the rectangular frame mounted three magnetic latch, latching to the frame transparent file with the job. In the central part of the left and right sides of the rectangular frame mounted brackets for fastening U-shaped supporting bar which is fixed with screws and provides support to the work surface. On top of the U-shaped rod fastened round the roller, made of rubber for soft contact with the support surface. Moreover, on the surface of the transparent file movable element is disposed, control of the patients eye, fixed to the surface of the transparent file by a magnet disposed on the back side of the frame. The simulator provides a rigid fixation of tasks to practice to restore the patients eye movements by means of the frame with the latch, and allows easy sliding along the surface of the transparent file reference and stable movement of the sight of the patient by means of a framework in which the rigidly fixed assignment, and control elements (circle, ring, magnet). Moreover, the simulator also provides a soft and stable support to the table top or other work surface during training due to the support rods, fixed with screws and round roll of rubber, which improves the performance of tasks to restore the patients eye movements.Полезная модель относится к области медицины, к разделу неврологии и может найти применение в неврологической и нейрореабилитационной клинике при восстановительном обучении больных с различными нарушениями проц