Foods containing trace elements Zeolita, in which at least 90% of the cereals are larger than 0.1 um in volume; for food mixing; the use of trace elements Zeolita and/or Clinoptil; flour for human use; and methods to limit the intake of ethanol in consumption Go and have a drink
Food product for use by humans comprising Micronized Zeolite in at least 90% of the Granules have the Micronized Zeolite particle size greater than 0.Combination use of 1 microns; Zeolite; Flour; and Method for Limiting the absorption of ingested ethanol.Producto alimenticio para el uso por los seres humanos comprendiendo zeolita micronizada en que al menos 90% de los gránulos de dicha zeolita micronizada tienen tamaño de partícula mas grande que 0,1 micrones; combinación, uso de zeolita; harina; y método para limitar la absorción del etanol ingerido.