Provide a complete, stable, dry and stable component. Synthesis; Oacute; n includes one or one M AMP; AACUTE; viable microorganisms,By weight, at least 50% is 1 or m amp; aacute; S prote amp; IACUTE; NAS hydro solution.Less than 10% of the weight, by weight, one or more; Aacute; S Az Amp; UACUTE; CARES; Aacute; Ridos, selected from the Monosac Amp Group.Disac Amp; Aacute; ridos,And these combinations,Each percentage is calculated based on the total weight of the component and ampere; Oacute; n dry. Best of allComposici Amp; Oacute; N does not understand Ning Amp; Uacute; N Monosc Amp; Aacute; Vico o o Disac Amp; Aacute; Vice. Composers and expert groups; Oacute; N Adem Amp; Aacute; S may include one or one M AMP; Aacute; S Oligosac Amp; Aacute; Ridos,One or more; Aacute; S Polisac Amp; Aacute; Ridos,UA O M AMP; AACUTE; S de AMP salt; AACUTE; CARBOX AMP; IACUTE; ICO,Or a combination of both, or a combination of both. Synthesis and amperometric; Oacute; n may have at least 1x1010 UFC/G feasibility.(a) A P AMP; EACUTE; Feasibility study of less than one Logar AMP unit; IACUTE; TMICA/G Despu AMP; EACUTE; S AMP; IACUTE; AS; 40 AMP; ORDM;C and relative humidity are 33%. TAMBI AMP; EACUTE; N provides M AMP; EACUTE; all preparatory ingredients; OACUTE; N dry and stable.<;p>;SE PROPORCIONA UNA COMPOSICIÓ;N SECA Y ESTABLE. LA COMPOSICIÓ;N COMPRENDE UNO O MÁ;S MICROORGANISMOS VIABLES, AL MENOS 50% EN PESO DE UNA O MÁ;S PROTEÍ;NAS HIDROLIZADAS, Y MENOS DE 10% EN PESO DE UNO O MÁ;S AZÚ;CARES SELECCIONADOS DEL GRUPO QUE CONSISTE EN MONOSACÁ;RIDOS, DISACÁ;RIDOS, Y COMBINACIONES DE LOS MISMOS, CON CADA PORCENTAJE ESTANDO BASADO EN EL PESO TOTAL DE LA COMPOSICIÓ;N SECA. PREFERIBLEMENTE, LA COMPOSICIÓ;N NO COMPRENDE NINGÚ;N MONOSACÁ;RIDO O DISACÁ;RIDO. LA COMPOSICIÓ;N ADEMÁ;S PUEDE COMPRENDER UNO O MÁ;S OLIGOSACÁ;RIDOS, UNO O MÁ;S POLISACÁ;RI