СИГЕР Дуглас У. (US),РОБИЛЛАРД Джером М. (US),ФИННЕС Грег Д. (US)
1. The system (5) distribution of power harvester, comprising: a controller (10) a cutting tool (145) positioning system of the cutting tool chassis system steering system and takzhemodul (125) controlling the motor for calculating the load on the engine wherein chtokontroller (10) is configured to automatically adjust based on the estimated load on the engine, at least one of the following parameters: the speed of the cutting tool (145) power positioning system of the cutting tool (145) or a power steering system upravleniya.2. The system (5) according to claim 1, characterized in that the controller (10) configured to automatically adjust based on the estimated load on the engine, at least one of the following parameters: the speed of the cutting tool (145), the power of the cutting tool positioning system (145), the power steering system or power chassis sistemy.3. The system (5) according to claim 1, characterized in that it comprises a sensor (140) turns the cutting tool with the cutting instrumentom.4 conjugate. The system (5) according to claim 1, characterized in that the controller (10) is adapted to adjust positioning system power cutter before correcting the speed of the cutting tool (145) .5. The system (5) according to claim 1, characterized in that the controller (10) is adapted to adjust the power steering system before correcting the speed of the cutting tool (145) .6. The system (5) according to claim 1, characterized in that the controller (10) is adapted to adjust the power suspension B1. Система (5) распределения мощности лесозаготовительной машины, содержащая:контроллер (10)режущий инструмент (145)систему позиционирования режущего инструмента ходовую системусистему рулевого управления а такжемодуль (125) управления двигателем, предназначенный для расчета нагрузки на двигательотличающаяся тем, чтоконтроллер (10) выполнен с возможностью автоматической корректировки на основании расчетной нагрузки на двигатель, по меньшей мере, одного из следующих