Celso Aparecido Bertran,Helder Augusto da Silva,Lilian Lacerda de Almeida,Sérgio Bertazzo
Biocompat\u00cdvel material, process of obten\u00c7\u00e7o material biocompat\u00cdvel and use of material biocompat\u00cdvel in implants and pr\u00e0teses. This invention deals with the modification of the character bioinerte surfaces formed by all phases of alumina, sapphire, boliemita and other oxidohidroxidos aluminum, aluminum metal, as well as to biocompatible.The modification is a consequence of reaction of acids dicarboxilicos with the surface of these materials.The surface modified presents biocompatibility for form a coating of calcium phosphate when placed in contact with bodily fluids or by forming the coating by simple immersion in solutions simulating the bodily fluids (fluid physical simulated FOS) or solutions. S containing Jons calcium and phosphate.The invention deals with the modification of the character bioinerte proposed in this invention to biocompatible materials.The change makes a biocompatible prostheses, implants, and other objects formed by all phases of alumina, sapphire, bohemita and other oxidohidroxidos aluminum, and aluminum metal, the invention represents a simple method.Fast and low cost for the modification of the character bioinerte to fully biocompativel areas described in this invention making biocompatible prostheses, implants, and other objects having this composition and \/ or surface.MATERIAL BIOCOMPATÍVEL, PROCESSO DE OBTENÇçO DE MATERIAL BIOCOMPATÍVEL E USO DE MATERIAL BIOCOMPATÍVEL EM IMPLANTES E PRàTESES. Este invento trata da modificação do caráter bioinerte das superfícies formadas por todas as fases de alumina, safira, boliemita e demais oxidohidroxidos de alumínio, assim como, de aluminio metálico, para biocompatível. A modificação é consequência da reação de ácidos dicarboxilicos com a superfície destes materiais. A superfície modificada apresenta biocompatibilidade por formar um revestimento de fosfato de cálcio quando colocada em contato com os fluidos corpóreos ou por formar este revestimento pela simples imersã