The present invention provides an artificial cerebrospinal fluid containing 120 to 160 mEq/L of sodium ion, 1 to 6 mEq/L of potassium ion, 75 to 155 mEq/L of chloride ion, and 5 to 45 mEq/L of bicarbonate ion, and provides an artificial cerebrospinal fluid further containing at least one component selected from the group consisting of 10 g/L or less of a reducing sugar, 5 mmol/L or less of phosphoric acid, 5 mEq/L or less of calcium ion, and 5 mEq/L or less of magnesium ion. The artificial cerebrospinal fluid of the present invention can prevent or reduce the incidence of cerebral edema and can further suppress brain cell disorders when used as an irrigation fluid or perfusion fluid in the field of neurosurgery, such as intracranial surgery, or when used as a replenishing fluid for lost cerebrospinal fluid.本發明提供一種含有鈉離子120~160mEq/L、鉀離子1~6mEq/L、氯離子75~155mEq/L及重碳酸離子5~45mEq/L之人工髓液,及更含有選自於10g/L以下之還原糖、5mmol/L以下之磷酸、5mEq/L以下之鈣離子與5mEq/L以下之鎂離子之至少一種成分的人工髓液。本發明之人工髓液,在於顱內手術等之腦神經外科領城中,供作清洗或灌流液使用,或供作腦脊髓液喪失之補充液利用,而可防止乃至減少腦浮腫之發生,且可抑制腦細胞之細胞障礙。