Body mobilization device comprising a mobile reception platform (1) with respect to a fixed chassis (20, 22), intended to support a subject to be treated standing, the platform (1) being attached to the chassis by means of a double pivot connection, and being animated by an oscillatory movement with respect to an axis that passes substantially through its center by means of two actuators (8, 9) each connected by a pivot connection, to the same shaft (6 ) attached to said platform and extending perpendicularly with respect to the plane that said platform defines, said actuators having an activation direction substantially perpendicular to each other, characterized in that: - said actuators (8, 9) are articulated turn to the chassis; - because the platform (1) is articulated on a rigid upper frame or reinforcement (3), which defines a first substantially horizontal articulation axis (AA) that constitutes the first pivot connection of the double pivot connection, said frame being upper (3) articulated in turn in a rigid reinforcement (4), along a second axis of articulation (BB) substantially horizontal and perpendicular to said first axis of articulation, which constitutes the second pivot connection of the double pivot connection, said rigid frame being attached to the chassis (20, 22); - and because the actuators (8, 9) are attached to the free end of said tree by means of a gimbal (39, 40).Dispositivo de movilización corporal que comprende una plataforma (1) de recepción móvil con respecto a un chasis fijo (20, 22), destinada a soportar a un sujeto que va a ser tratado situado de pie, estando la plataforma (1) unida al chasis mediante una conexión de doble pivote, y estando animada de un movimiento oscilatorio con respecto a un eje que pasa sustancialmente por su centro por medio de dos accionadores (8, 9) unidos cada uno mediante una conexión de pivote, a un mismo árbol (6) unido a dicha plataforma y que se extiende en perpendicular con respecto al plano que dicha