The invention relates to a method for evaluating the attitude of a subject in relation to certain presented stimuli and to a computer program product for applying this method, meant for the marketing research field and market studies. According to the invention, the method consists of a first stage aiming to establish positive or negative values of certain key-words, which are further used as descriptors of certain products/brands presented to a subject by investigating the cerebral activity thereof, the presence or absence of the activation of various cerebral areas being translated into numerical parameters, as follows: 0 - absence of activation and 1 - presence of activation, followed by a second stage, in which the designated descriptors are associated with images of the aimed products/brands and the subjects reaction time and number of errors are counted, and in the third stage the correct and wrong answers are counted, in order to evaluate the memorability level of the presented products/brands in the subjects mind. As claimed by the invention, the program product uses as input data a list of tested words, a list of images for evaluating the attitude and one for evaluating memorability, a number of evaluations for each image-word association, used for testing the attitude towards the images, a number of evaluations for each image, used for testing memorability, and general information used for the operations of answer collecting and processing.Invenţia se referă la o metodă de evaluare a atitudinii unui subiect faţă de nişte stimuli prezentaţi, şi la un produs program calculator pentru aplicarea acestei metode, destinate domeniului cercetării de marketing şi studiilor de piaţă. Metoda conform invenţiei constă într-o primă etapă care vizează stabilirea de valori pozitive sau negative unor cuvinte-cheie, care servesc în continuare ca descriptori ai unor produse/mărci prezentate unui subiect, prin investigarea activităţii cerebrale a acestuia, prezenţa sau absenţ