The anti-fruit Flies Chong Xin structures of this Chong Zuo Department Ti Gong mono- Seed fruit bags,Gong Concept, which examine Shui Guo Sheng Long Like Condition Concept and examine position Regulations Row arround hole, mainly below what fruit bag has a Zhi Drug District Ji Yi Expansion San District,In The Zhi Drug District With Expansion San District Inter And with a Lose send Guan Even Knot,The Zhi Drug District With Lose send the impermeable Gas Cai Quality System of the equal As of pipe at,Er Expansion San District The As are adsorbable,San Hair Ye Body Cai Quality System at,The peppermint of what Zhi Drug District Inner get Installed Tian 預 constant volumes,Lemongrass,The natural plant extraction liquid or essential oil of the Ju Flooding Insect effects such as Zhang Brain oil,And enables the extract liquors such as The or essential oil to send pipe Slow speed Di Wang Expansion San District drops to send along Lose,And Bei Expansion San District Suo Xi Shou And Expansion San Play Hair,It uses Yu The Concept and examines the hole domains Zao District Zhou Xiang the scattered Gas tastes of Wai Expansion,Yi Da to Flooding remove the effect of fruit Flies,It avoids fruit Flies You Concept Cha Kong Channeling from entering fruit bag Inner and bites fruit Real,Yi Victoria hold its fruit Real Sheng Long Like Condition With Pin Quality person.本創作係提供一種水果套袋之防果蠅創新結構,主要是於水果套袋下方供觀察水果生長狀況之觀察孔的周遭部位規劃有一置藥區及一擴散區,在該置藥區與擴散區間並以一輸送管連結,該置藥區與輸送管均為不透氣材質製成,而擴散區則為可吸附、散發液體之材質製成,於置藥區內得裝填預定容量之薄荷、香茅、樟腦油等具驅蟲效果之天然植物萃取液或精油,並使該等萃取液或精油得以沿輸送管緩速地往擴散區滴送,並被擴散區所吸收並擴散揮發,藉以於該觀察孔周遭區域向外擴散氣味,以達到驅除果蠅的功效,避免果蠅由觀察孔竄入水果套袋內叮咬果實,以維持其果實的生長狀況與品質者。(10)‧‧‧水果套袋(11)‧‧‧袋口(12)‧‧‧觀察孔(20)‧‧‧置藥區(30)‧‧‧擴散區(40)‧‧‧輸送管(50)‧‧‧果實