wrapping device for dispensing topical products for oral, vulvar and anal use, coupled with portable applicator for vaginal and rectal use. The present invention pertains to the technology sector of pharmaceutical delivery systems and more specifically relates to a new arrangement applied to applicators for dispensing topical anal, oral, rectal, vaginal and vulvar mucosal monodose products. the wrapping package now proposed is similar to an intimate condom, but smaller. It has a compartment filled with the pharmaceutical formulation to be used in a single dose, located at its distal end, containing holes through which the product will be expelled. The contents of the package may be applied with an individual's finger in the oral, vulvar and anal regions or via a small portable applicator. This portable applicator does not come into contact with the mucous and semi-mucous membranes as it is covered by the thin wrap. The applicator is made up of two snap-on parts, making it efficient to carry as it is extended when snapped on. A rounded anatomical piece is fitted to the applicator for compression of the product reservoir. The developed solution can be employed to treat medical conditions and diseases, or to promote relief and comfort in a safe, efficient, practical and discreet manner.dispositivo envoltório para dispensar produtos tópicos para uso oral, vulvar e anal, acoplável a aplicador portátil para usos vaginal e retal. a presente invenção pertence ao setor tecnológico de sistemas de distribuição de composições farmacêuticas e se refere, mais especificamente, a uma nova disposição aplicada em aplicadores para dispensar produtos tópicos em monodose nas mucosas e semimucosas anal, oral, retal, vaginal e vulvar. a embalagem tipo envoltório ora proposta é semelhante a um preservativo íntimo, porém de menores dimensões. ele apresenta um compartimento preenchido com a formulação farmacêutica a ser utilizada em dose única, localizado na sua extremidade distal, que conté