[problem] bait in the bait basket until it reaches the vicinity of the objective point of is held without being outflow, to provide a berley basket also inserted into the cage of berley make quick and hygienic have Michiito bundling hook 12 to A one end, in the elongated bolt or lid support bolt 1 has a lid 4 on the other end that is the front end side, loosely from the lid center lid support bolt the coil spring is disposed top to the middle of the wraparound rising lid support bolt as it is fixed to the iron wire ring 13, symmetrically divided extend iron wire 3 from iron wire ring left and right sides of the coil pressing spring 2 for adjustment cover opening it forms an engaging hook portion bent in the place that was parallel to the through-growth bound to the lid, small holes or body support iron wire engaging Chakuana 10 provided the engaging hook portion when the opening edge of Amikago body 5 to bear over, characterized in that it is integrally formedFIELD 5【課題】目的のポイント付近に達するまで餌籠内の餌が流出されずに保持され、撒き餌の籠内への挿入も衛生的で手早く行える撒き餌籠を提供する。【解決手段】一端に道糸結束用フック12を有し、他端即ち先端側に蓋体4を有する細長ボルト即ち蓋支持ボルト1において、蓋体中心部から蓋支持ボルトに緩く巻きつき昇る様に蓋支持ボルトの途中までコイルバネが設置されて上端が鉄線リング13に固定され、鉄線リングから左右に対称的に分かれ伸びる鉄線3が蓋開閉調整用のコイル押しバネ2を挟んでそれに平行に蓋体へ伸び行き貫通したところで折れ曲がって係着フック部を成し、この係着フック部を網籠本体5の開口部縁際に設けられた小孔即ち本体支持鉄線係着孔10に掛け留めて一体的に構成されることを特徴とする。【選択図】図5