This experiment to test, using LED(light emitting diode) circuit arrays to emit various light with various frequency on black shell shrimp. The shrimp follow the light to dance. The growth rate and the propagation rate improves a lot. Finally the amouts of shrimp grow a lot. Astaxanthin, unlike some carotenoids, is not converted to vitamin A (retinol) in the human body. Too much vitamin A is toxic for a human, but astaxanthin has lower toxicity. It is an antioxidant with a slightly lower antioxidant activity than other carotenoids. It was widely find in microalgae, yeast, salmon, trout, krill and shrimp. There were three kinds of Taiwan born Black shell shrimp. They were Atyposis which is the largestone, Cardinina with most species and Neocardinina with much variation. The major one is Neocardinina. We also find Cardinina formosae and Cardinina psuedudenticulata were also called Black shell shrimp.蝦類中普遍含有蝦紅素、礦物質還有多種維生素。但是其中某些蝦類例如黑殼蝦,含有黑殼素,不但能增強人體的免疫細胞,還可以抗老化增強免疫力等功用,例如可以改善掉髮、白髮的困擾。一般較大的蝦類,其體內大多含有太多的普林,會引起痛風,但是黑殼蝦則沒有有這樣的問題,因為其生長的環境大多是養分貧瘠的水源,所以黑殼蝦沒有堆積這種高養分的東西。黑殼蝦性喜光,以藻類及微生物為食,人體食用後,也不會造成氨基酸堆積在體內關節而引起尿酸堆積的問題。如果可以大量繁殖黑殼蝦,使得黑殼素得以繁殖迅速,將可以使得黑殼蝦大量繁殖,如此黑殼素將得以合理之價格,販售於市面上。本實驗採用黑殼蝦作實驗,藉由裝滿發光二極體陣列的電路,以可變電阻調整發光二極體閃光之頻率,多色且閃爍的光照射在水中。實驗發現,原本繁殖緩慢,而且活動力超弱之黑殼蝦經過發光二極體閃爍的特性,由於蝦類的趨光性,黑殼蝦會隨舞動的發光二極體四處游動。在我們的努力下,黑殼蝦的活動力增強了,相對的,繁殖能力也增強了,數量也變得越來越多。實際量測的結果,可以看到,黑殼蝦體型變大了,游泳的速率也變快了,而黑殼蝦的數量也增加了。