Intraocular lens cartridge comprising a conic head portion (1) narrowing gradually after a rectangular prism part upper channel (1.2) on the inner upper wall of the conic head portion extending until the middle portion of the inner upper wall in order for the lens to move forward properly and continue its folding, lower channel (1.3) on the inner lower wall upper and lower inverse “L” shaped claws (1.4, 1.5) on the outer surface of the conic head portion the “L” shaped lower claw having a longer arm a cartridge body (2) suitable for intertwining, having a larger periphery as compared to the periphery of the head portion of the conic head portion, lock housings (2.2) on the upper and lower parts of the cartridge (bayonet connection between head portion and cartridge body) supporting protrusions (2.1) both on the upper and lower parts for supporting the fingers of the operator.