FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine of psychic and behavioral malfunctions of a person, namely to system family therapy, aimed at correction of in-family connections and normalisation of psychic (psychological) and physical condition of family members. Anamnesis of client condition and information about members of his family are collected. Systematic placement of family by means of figures is carried out, malfunctions, which can lead to development of symptom, as response to malfunctions in family system, are detected. Then is carried out correction of family placing. After collecting anamnesis of persons state, the latter is laid in comfortable for their body position, body therapy is carried out, by listening to sacred music psychological mood of person to psychological correction is created. Placement by degree of relation of figures of family members is performed by person themselves, starting from their own figure, for creation of correct family image. Then person carries out rituals of respect to family members in form of bowing and anchoring by crossing forefinger and fourth finger of right hand, after which carried out is psychological correction of person until obtaining stable positive therapeutic result is obtained by them.EFFECT: method makes it possible to normalise psychological and physical condition of family members.1 exИзобретение относится к медицине психических и поведенческих расстройств человека, а именно к системной семейной терапии, направленной на коррекцию внутрисемейных связей и нормализацию психического (психологического) и физиологического состояния членов семьи. Собирают анамнез состояния клиента и сведений о членах его семьи. Производят системную расстановку семьи посредством фигур, выявляют нарушения, которые могли привести к возникновению симптома, как реакции на нарушения в семейной системе. Затем осуществляют коррекцию расстановки семьи. Причем после сбора анамнеза состояния человека последнего укладывают в удо