Procedure for the reliable determination, with the necessary accuracy for a pharmaceutical product, of the biological activity of embryonated Trichuris eggs, in which at least 3 of the following determinations are made: a) determination and / or verification of the stage of embryonic development of helminth eggs with the aid of quantitative PCR analysis using suitable marker sequences for the determination of the copy number of genomic DNA, b) determination of the metabolic activity of embryonated eggs of helminths with biochemical and / or molecular biology procedures, measured for the determination of the metabolic activity of Trichuris embryonated eggs the content of ATP and / or treating the Trichuris eggs first with a pretreatment agent selected from hypochlorous acid, chitinase and / or protease and then stained with tetrazolium salts, c) determination of the induction capacity of the expression n gene in embryonated helminth eggs, d) microscopic determination of the motility of helminth larvae found in the egg for long periods of observation after previous incubation at elevated temperatures and / or e) determination of larval hatching rate of Trichuris in the experimental animal, quantifying intact embryonated eggs recovered from intestinal contents compared to an internal standard.Procedimiento para la determinación fiable, con la exactitud necesaria para un producto farmacéutico, de la actividad biológica de huevos embrionados de Trichuris, en el que se realizan al menos 3 de las siguientes determinaciones: a) determinación y/o comprobación del estadio del desarrollo embrionario de huevos de helmintos con ayuda del análisis por PCR cuantitativa usando secuencias de marcadores adecuadas para la determinación del número de copias del ADN genómico, b) determinación de la actividad metabólica de huevos embrionados de helmintos con procedimientos bioquímicos y/o de biología molecular, midiéndose para la determinación de la actividad metabólica de huevos embrion