The present invention is taken from seaweed network the laver, which is housed in the laver storage tank of laver work the ship, through the pump along with the seawater in the laver storage tank to seaweed processing facilities have been installed in the laver work outboard of such land The process of transferring, regardless of such seaweed in nature and provides possibly caulking transport system and transport method to be carried out smoothly. A or the flow path 13, 15 between the seaweed storage tank 20 and the pump 16, laver rough cutting device 14 is interposed on at least one of the inside of the flow path 17 to the laver work outboard from the pump to have seaweed transport system. Flow path between the seaweed storage tank and pump or, laver transfer method for performing a laver of the rough cutting process by the laver coarse cutting equipment on the one hand at least either in the flow path to the laver work outboard from the pump. .BACKGROUND【課題】海苔網から採取されて海苔作業船内の海苔収容槽に収容された海苔を、海苔収容槽内の海水と共にポンプを介して陸上などの海苔作業船外に設置されている海苔処理施設へ移送する処理を、海苔の性状などによらず、スムーズに行うことを可能ならしめる移送システムと移送方法を提供する。【解決手段】海苔収容槽20とポンプ16との間の流路13,15あるいは、ポンプから海苔作業船外への流路17の中の少なくともどちらか一方に海苔粗切装置14が介装されている海苔移送システム。海苔収容槽とポンプとの間の流路あるいは、ポンプから海苔作業船外への流路の中の少なくともどちらか一方において海苔粗切装置による海苔の粗切り処理を行う海苔移送方法。【選択図】図1