Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe uchrezhdenie "Tsentralnyj nauchno-issledovatelskij institut travmatologii i ortopedii imeni N.N. Priorova" Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya Rossijskoj Federatsii (
Mironov Sergej Pavlovich,Миронов Сергей Павлович,Kesyan Gurgen Abavenovich,Кесян Гурген Абавенович,Tomskij Aleksej Alekseevich,Томский Алексей Алексеевич,Dekopov Andrej Vladimirovich,Декопов Андрей Вл
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to traumatology and orthopedics and can be applicable for surgical treatment of heterotopic ossification with the implementation of neural network modeling of spastic syndrome of the patient. Determine the stage of maturity of heterotopic ossification on indicators of calcium-phosphorus metabolism in venous blood of the patient, at the same time determine the contents in the venous blood of the patient of alkaline phosphatase in U/l and osteocalcin, ng/ml as well as marker characteristics of formation of bone matrix (PINP) - N-terminal propeptide of procollagen type 1 in ng/ml. If the fact of passage of active regeneration processes, testifying to the incompleteness of the process of osteoid generation, its mineralization with the maturation of spongy bone tissue of newly formed bone, surgical removal of the formed heterotopic ossifications is considered premature. In case if the fact of completeness of osteoid formation processes and its mineralization with the formation and maturation of spongy bone tissue of newly formed bone, the adequacy of stage of metabolic maturity of heterotopic ossification of patient in relieving the active metabolic processes in the pathological focus and it is considered appropriate to conduct stage of surgical removal of the formed heterotopic ossification in the affected joint.EFFECT: method allows to reduce the risk of complications in surgery and reduce the risk of relapse.1 clИзобретение относится к травматологии и ортопедии и может быть применимо для хирургического лечения гетеротопической оссификации с выполнением нейромоделирования спастического синдрома пациента. Определяют стадию зрелости гетеротопических оссификатов по показателям фосфорно-кальциевого обмена в венозной крови пациента, при этом определяют содержание в венозной крови пациента фосфатазы щелочной в Ед./л, остеокальцина в нг/мл, а также характеристики маркера формирования костного матрикса (PINP) - N-терминальный пропеп