Technical result of utility model is to reduce the complexity and improve the quality and effectiveness of treatment. The technical result is obtained by prolonged exposure to a needle at the acupuncture points of a patient, characterized in that it is made of a bent rod in the same plane, forming two parallel branches with pointed ends. One branch of the needle is made rectilinear and extends parallel to the longitudinal axis of the needle, the second branch has an L-shape. The long portion of the second branch is parallel to the first branch of the needle, a short portion of the second branch is made straight and is perpendicular to the first needle branch between the first branch of the needle and the tip of the second L-shaped branch is formed by a needle gap. needle branches involve an arc, which is located opposite the pointed end of the needle remote from the arc at different distances. On the long portion of the second L-shaped branch is formed transverse displacement compensator of the needle tip second branch towards the first branch of the needle. On the long portion of the second L-shaped branch is formed compensator transverse and longitudinal movements of the needle tip relative to the second branch of the first branch of the needle. Short T-shaped part of the second branch forms an arm for fixing thereon at least one removable load compensator.Техническим результатом полезной модели является снижение трудоемкости и повышение качества и эффективности лечения. Технический результат получен иглой для пролонгированного воздействия на акупунктурные точки пациента, характеризующейся тем, что она выполнена из изогнутого в одной плоскости стержня, образующего две параллельные ветви с заостренными концами. Одна ветвь иглы выполнена прямолинейной и расположена параллельно продольной оси иглы, вторая ветвь имеет Г-образную форму. Длинная часть второй ветви параллельна первой ветви иглы, короткая часть второй ветви выполнена прямолинейной и расположена перпендику