The claimed subject matter relates to the field of medicine, more specifically to medical engineering and can be used in clinical practice. On its base can be created devices on two or three jobs. The technical result of the utility model is expressed in the machine control circuit simplification and reduction in radiation exposure to the patient. It is achieved in that the medical X-ray diagnostic apparatus comprising an emitter, a high voltage transformer, filament transformer, filament current control means to the block reference and the preset initial value of the anode voltage, means for regulating the anode voltage through an anode current relay exposure and switching device used a high-voltage transformer load characteristic with a slope of at least 0.15 kV / mA, and as a means of regulating the anode voltage ispolz van directly setting unit law of variation of the anode current during the exposure, the initial value setting unit is connected to the anode voltage setting unit changes the anode current law. Furthermore, in the apparatus introduced selection means load curve formed as a set of resistors with a switch installed in the circuit high voltage transformer primary winding, the magnitude of these resistors is chosen so that when incorporated in the primary winding circuit of any accessible combination of these resistances tilt load characteristic is at least 0.15 kV / mA, and the resistance of said switch is connected to the anode current assignment unit changes the law.Заявляемый объект относится к области медицины, точнее к медицинской технике и может быть использован в клинической практике. На его базе могут быть созданы аппараты на два и три рабочих места. Технический результат полезной модели выражается в упрощении схемы управления аппаратом и в снижении лучевой нагрузки на пациента. Он достигается тем, что в медицинском рентгенодиагностическом аппарате, содержащем излучатель, высоковольтный трансформатор, трансформатор накала, средства регулирова