An optimized filming system for tablet filming at least comprises a first pipe and a second pipe, wherein the first pipe has a pipe diameter variation, such that the film formulation solution for tablet filming may have reduced pulsation during delivery. Furthermore, the exterior of the first pipe and the second pipe is configured with an external flow channel for allowing fluid with negative charges to pass through, so as to eliminate the charges in the film formulation solution for tablet filming. Thus, the operation of tablet filming is more stable and the table film may be more uniform to enhance the tablet filming quality.一種錠劑包膜之覆膜優化系統,至少包含有第一管件及第二管件,其中在第一管件內設有管徑的變化,而使錠劑包膜的膜衣處方液在輸送時減少脈衝,另在第一管件及第二管件的外部設有外流道,能通以具負電荷的流體,消除該錠劑包膜的膜衣處方液的電荷,而使整個錠劑包膜的作業更為穩定,並讓錠劑的包膜更為均勻,提高錠劑的包膜品質。10‧‧‧第一管件20‧‧‧第二管件30‧‧‧冷凝器50‧‧‧連接管60‧‧‧噴槍70‧‧‧錠劑80‧‧‧覆膜機81‧‧‧旋筒82‧‧‧進氣系統83‧‧‧出氣系統90‧‧‧混合設備91‧‧‧幫浦92‧‧‧管件