The subject of the invention is a method and device for noninvasive and selective assessment of biomechanical, contractional and viscoelastic properties of skeletal muscles, parts of muscles, muscle insertions, areas of transition of muscles into tendon and ligament insertions and tendons and ligaments themselves in in-situ manner (assessment of a certain phenomenon exactly on the place it occurs) by means of measurement of muscular force on the skin surface of a measured person above the measured object. Essential elements that are building the measuring device are a measuring sensor (1) with a specially adapted detector (2), a supporting part (4) and a computer or a microprocessor (3). The device according to the invention is designed so that the detector (2) of the sensor sinks into the individuals skin surface (5), when placed on it. Any suitable force or pressure meter can be included into the device, which enables the measurement of force or pressure on the sensors detector, without the relative position of the sensors detector being dependent on the force measured.Predmet izuma je metoda in naprava za neinvazivno in selektivno ugotavljanje biomehaničnih, kontrakcijskih in viskoelastičnih lastnosti skeletnih mišic, delov mišic, mišičnih narastišč, področij prehodov mišic v narastišče kit in ligamentov ter kit in ligamentov samih na in situ način (ugotavljanje določenega pojava natančno na mestu, na katerem do njega prihaja) s pomočjo merjenja mišične sile na površini kože merjenca nad predmetom merjenja. Bistveni elementi, ki sestavljajo merilno napravo, so merilni senzor (1) s posebnim prilagojenim tipalom (2), podporni del (4) in računalnik oz. mikroprocesor (3). Naprava po izumu je zasnovana tako, da se ob njeni namestitvi na posameznikovo površino (5) kože tipalo (2) senzorja vanjo ugrezne. V napravo je lahko vključen vsak primeren merilec sile ali pritiska, ki omogoča merjenj