1. A greenhouse containing a solid translucent fence, a supporting frame of a translucent fence, consisting of a tunnel part made of transverse and longitudinal parts, and end parts, while part of the parts are guides with one or two longitudinal grooves thereof, a translucent fence is attached to the frame made in the form of sheets; in the tunnel part, at least part of the sheets is installed in the longitudinal grooves of the guides with the possibility of movement relative to other sheets, characterized in that the guides with grooves are located on all the transverse parts of the tunnel part of the frame, made arcuate, a translucent fence is made of cellular polycarbonate, in each span a translucent the fence consists of four sheets of close size - the two lower, fixed motionless between the profiles of the transverse parts of the frame and the guides, and two upper guides that are movable in grooves, mounted directly on the transverse parts of the frame, in different directions from the ridge, the movable sheets along the horizontal edges are provided with edge strips fixedly fixed on them, which simultaneously serve as handles. 2. A greenhouse containing a solid translucent fence, a supporting frame of a translucent fence, consisting of a tunnel part made of transverse and longitudinal parts, and end parts, while part of the parts are guides with one or two longitudinal grooves thereof, a translucent fence is attached to the frame, made in the form of sheets; in the tunnel part at least part of the sheetТехническое решение относится к садоводству, к разведению цветов, овощей, ягод и т.п. в парниках и теплицах, к конструкциям устройств для вентиляции. Предлагаемой конструкцией по обоим вариантам решается техническая задача организации эффективного проветривания теплицы, обеспечения естественного агротехнического режима ее эксплуатации, а также обеспечение целостности конструкции при воздействии снеговых нагрузок без ее конструктивного усиления. Также решается