Elbow ball support mechanism (8),in which the elbow ball (8) is equipped with two long adjustable support legs (12) made of aluminium advantageous from the top in a sharp angle to the ball (8),in which the support legs are distributed and assembled by a mechanism consisting of systems (A) and (B). The system (A) consists of two mirrored reflections of the conflicting mechanism responsible for unfolding each support leg (12). Each of the opposing mechanisms shall be placed in a housing divided into a housing on the right and left,placed in the rear of the ball (8) below the handle (R). The contradictory mechanisms consist of a leg with a molded tooth on it,a bearing, a retractable locking retractor along which the bearing moves, combined with an L-shaped leaf tooth,in its upper part. On the other hand, the bottom of the toothbrush is attached to the base of the toothbrush, which in the lower part has a bean hole in which the control release is placed. At the end of the base of the toothpaste is placed the spring by which the toothpaste is connected to the other end of the drop. In the centre of the vertical wall of the toothpaste is placed a toothbrush with a foot tooth which rotates around the axis of rotation and in the lower part has a support leg anchorage (12). The control hand reaches from where it is connected to the plate,Around the ball to its front part forming a trigger (73) placed below the handle (R) of the ball (8). The rear control hand shall have a hole in which the push-bar is placed in the form of a long rod placed parallel to the ball (8),completed with a magnet housing (10) with two magnets and passed into a system (B) for stabilising the support legs (12) in the working position of the ball (8). The system (B) consists of a conductor (9) in which the magnesium casing (10) is located and along which the top/bottom moves and two pressure springs from below, with both support legs (12) having metal rings (14) at their length adapted to the working p