Зуев Виктор Константинович (RU),Туманян Элеонора Ролландовна (RU),Сороколетов Григорий Владимирович (RU),Вещикова Вера Николаевна (RU),Селифанов Юрий Владимирович (RU)
The invention relates to ophthalmic and can be used in the surgical treatment of high myopia, both with the aim at removal refractive transparent lens, and the lens during cataract.The object of the utility model for the creation of CGS surgical treatment of high myopia.Technical result of utility model is to reduce the morbidity of surgery and the risk of postoperative complications, such as secondary cataract.The technical result of the invention is achieved in that in the artificial eye lens, made of an elastic material such as a monolith to be folded and comprising an optical portion and two diametrically opposed supporting elements made planar with a variable thickness, decreasing towards the periphery, and bent away to the front surface of the optical part under an angle of 25 ° to its main plane, the width of the support elements is equal to the diameter of the optical part, their end faces are convex, and the diameter of the optical part p veins 6 mm, according to the invention, each support member in its longitudinal axis at the same distance from the center of the CGS, a through hole circular shape with a diameter of 0.1 to 0.5 mm, wherein the ratio of the maximum distance between the furthest apart points lying at opposite ends of the tops, to the diameter of the optical part is equal to 1.5-2 and the rear surface of the optical part provided with a projection height from 0.001 to 0.3 mm into a cylinder with a diameter equal to the diameter of the optical part and the base form of repeated back surface of the optical part.Полезная модель относится к офтальмологии и может быть использована при хирургическом лечении миопии высокой степени, как с рефракционной целью при удалении прозрачного хрусталика, так и при катарактальном хрусталике.Задачей полезной модели создание ИХГ для хирургического лечения миопии высокой степени.Техническим результатом полезной модели является снижение травматичности операции и риска послеоперационных осложнений, таких как вторичн