This Chong works are to provide the improvement that Yi Seed Pet objects Pull draws Tapes, espespecially Yi Seed Real Shi Quan Let with Pet objects You Neck circles or back Tapes etc. the Gong Tong Group of Agencies parts institute at Pull draw the improvement of Tapes Chong Xin structures, mainly improve in what:The Inner Bu Chuan Let that The Pull draw Tapes have bunchy Mian StripUnder Real Shi Time, Bi Yi Da to the pullling for avoiding external force, the direct Injury evils of Pet Wu Pi Skin are caused.本創作是提供一種寵物牽引帶之改良,尤指一種實施圈設在寵物身上由頸圈或背帶等構件所共同組成之牽引帶創新結構改良,其主要改良在於:該牽引帶之內部穿設有成束之棉條;實施時,俾以達到避免外力的拉扯下,造成寵物皮膚的直接傷害。