Disease is genetic potential actuated by environmental factors. This innovation provides a double pronged prophylactic approach to THE most important environmental factor, diet, when post-natal neurological and immunological formation is most active and milk is the main source of both nutritive and biologically active material for infants. Most, if not all, milk-based infant formula powders on the market are derived from the milk of the A1 genetic variant which has become the dominant variant throughout the world"s commercial dairy herds. Firstly, the constituent parts of A2 variant bovine milk more closely resemble human milk. More particularly with regard to the structure of the peta casein molecules from A1 milk which, through human digestion breaks down into a potentially toxic, to the infant"s immature immune system, opioid string - Peta- casomorphin 7 (P-CM7). Secondly, by sourcing milk from dairy herds that have been screened to exclude the A1 variation in favour of the A2 variant, the vulnerable infant will be less likely to either (a) Develop an auto-immune response to the P-CM7 molecules which are by-products of the digestion of A1 milk and implicated as a potential etiological factor in type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM-1) and Autism (b) Or be exposed to the effects of the opioid-like peptide, P-CM7 that is a by-product of the digestion of A1 milk. This happens via the mechanism of the circulatory system into the infant"s immature central nervous system which has been implicated in the inhibition of the respiratory centre in the brainstem leading to apnea and death - (SIDS)