Dental fibre in strips (1),knitted from thin glass or polyethylene or polyaramide fibres, or a composition of these fibres, the coated light-emitting organic mercury on a methacrylate basis has a width (b) in the range of 0,5 to 8 mm, the thickness (d) in the range of 0,05 to 0,8 mm and the length (k),corresponds to the length of the upper cavity in the range of the second tibia, through the antelope, the sprout, the incisor, to the other tibia opposite, or the length measured by the cavity, The belt (1) has semi-elliptical angles (2) with the shape of a tooth in the transverse cross-section and the gluing of 1 to 3 mm. Length (k) belt (1) shall correspond to the length of the tooth gap at least:The semi-polyplastic clamps (2) contact each other to form a sharp end or a lacquer gap or a plastic section. Belt (1) with frames (2) has a linear shape or a gap shape with a radius of a gap greater or less than the radius of a zebra gapexternal or internal, as appropriate. The way in which a dental fibre is produced in the form of a strip, knitted from thin glass or polyethylene or polyaramide fibres, or the composition of such fibres, in which the strap attaches itself to a light bulb solution, consists in the fact that, after seeding the fibre, the section of the strap (1) of the specified length is formed in the form of elliptical entanglements (2) and linearity or a hollow shape, after which the polymerisation lamp is polymerised and the fibre obtained is packaged.Wlókno stomatologiczne w postaci paska (1), splecionego z cienkich wlókien szklanych lub polietylenowych lub poliaramidowych lub kompozycji tych wlókien, nasaczone swiatloutwardzalna zywica organiczna na bazie metakrylanów, ma szerokosc (b) w zakresie od 0,5 do 8 mm, grubosc (d) w zakresie 0,05 do 0,8 mm i dlugosc (k), odpowiadajaca dlugosci górnego luku zebowego w zakresie od zeba drugiego trzonowego, poprzez przedtrzonowce, kiel, siekacz, az do drugiego trzonowego strony przeciwnej, lub dlugosc mierzona po