Apparatus for making a connection with a part of a body for the transfer of an electromagnetic signal for a predetermined purpose, including the apparatus: - a controller for regulating the nature of the signal, or for measuring the signal, depending on one or more parameters, the controller comprising an integrated memory and output terminals; - a garment adapted to be in contact with a part of the body, in which the garment includes at least two electrodes, in which the controller is adapted to transfer the signal to the output terminals to circulate a current between the at least two electrodes, and / or the controller is adapted to process the signal detected in the at least two electrodes, in which the electrodes are connected to the controller by means of a connector and in which the controller can be disconnected electrically of the garment, characterized in that: at least one parameter of the one or more parameters is stored in a data storage device included in the garment, in which the controller is adapted to charge the one or more parameters from the data storage device to its integrated memory to transfer the signal to the output terminals.Aparato para hacer una conexión con una parte de un cuerpo para la transferencia de una señal electromagnética para un propósito predeterminado, incluyendo el aparato: - un controlador para regular la naturaleza de la señal, o para medir la señal, en función de uno o más parámetros, comprendiendo el controlador una memoria integrada y unos terminales de salida; - una prenda de vestir adaptada para estar en contacto con una parte del cuerpo, en el que la prenda de vestir incluye al menos dos electrodos, en el que el controlador está adaptado para transferir la señal a los terminales de salida para hacer que circule una corriente entre los al menos dos electrodos, y/o el controlador está adaptado para procesar la señal detectada en los al menos dos electrodos, en el que los electrodos están conectados al controlador por