1. The personal hygiene device comprising: a motor (12) direct current to an output shaft (14) which rotates, the flexible connecting member (22) connected to the output shaft at its proximal end and having a cam (24) mounted at its distal end assembly (18) of the workpiece, comprising a working part (19) at its distal end iuzel (16) of the spring hub driven by the connecting member and the cam, which limit the rotational movement of the connecting member to the oscillating action node shaft member, wherein the connecting member has an elliptical cross section in its active region (34) having a small size (38) and high resolution (40), wherein the small size is held in the direction of bending of the coupling member during operation of the device, and high resolution runs perpendicular emu.2. The apparatus of claim 1, which is an electric toothbrush schetkoy.3. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the frequency of the DC motor is approximately 250 Gts.4. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the flexible connecting element is made of plastic materiala.5. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the cam has a mass of about 0,845 grams and is displaced by about 2 mm from the center line of the output shaft elektrodvigatelya.6. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the connecting element comprises two connecting portions (30, 32) at its opposite ends for connecting the output shaft of the DC motor and cam, respectively, and the active region (34) disposed between two connecting portions, and wherein the active portion has an elliptical configuration1. Устройство личной гигиены, содержащее:электродвигатель (12) постоянного тока с выходным валом (14), который вращаетсягибкий соединительный элемент (22), соединенный с выходным валом на его проксимальном конце и имеющий эксцентрик (24), установленный на его дистальном концеузел (18) рабочей детали, включающий в себя рабочую деталь (19) на его дистальном конце иузел (16) пружинной ступицы, приводимый в движение соединительным элементом и экс